Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Don't let it be true, not LICE!

The dreaded note came home today.  "Lice was found in your child's classroom."  Aahhhhhhh!!!  I hate seeing that note.  I dread checking my kids hair just in case I might find something.  So far, so good.  We have made it through the fourth grade with 3 kids in school and no lice.  I never had it as a kid, and have no experience with it.  I really didn't know what I was looking for, but would look at their heads anyway when that note came home.

Well, today our lucky streak ended.  I checked my child's hair and found what looked like eggs.  We quickly went and bought a lice kit and started applying.  This is when I knew my child definitely had those awful bugs.  They came out in the comb. gross!  I must have worked on my child's hair for 2-3 hours just to make sure we got it all.

Now, I feel itchy all over.  Do I have it?  I was not messing around with this.  I called in a professional.  Local louse remover, "Nits B Gone," sent out an angel within an hour to help us!  She applied the louse killer to my hair and then combed through it to get out any nasty things.  Sure enough, I had them.  Not bad, but they were there.  With all my thick hair, it took her 3 hours to go through my whole head and guarantee elimination.  Although my husband is not happy about the price, $100.00 per hour, I feel it was worth it.  Not only am I louse free, but Nits B Gone will come back in a week to do another check (all part of the price).  If they find anything, they will give me another treatment. 

Not only are lice gross, they cause massive panic and house cleaning.  I am knee deep in laundry and can't seem to get through it fast enough.  I am exhausted and the night is not over yet since each mattress needs to be vacuumed, all pillows need to be heat dried, and sheets need to be changed. 

I have already called the school about the lice.  Thanks goes out to the other mom that did the same so that we could quickly find ours.  Booooo to those moms that keep the dirty little secret to themselves out of embarrassment.  Let's help each other out and get over it!  These things have got to go!


  1. Yuck! We have been exposed and I fear we may catch them as well. Why do I feel so much itchier than normal? We're applying tea tree oil to the backs of our ears in hopes that it may help deter the nasty little buggers. Here's hoping!!!

  2. If you do get it, buy a good lice comb. Better than the ones that come in the kits. That is really the key!
